Facebook advertising can seem complicated. It has its own set of rules, processes, and even terms. But rest assured that after reading this guide, you’ll have a better understanding of how it works.
In order to create ads, your client or business must have a Facebook Page. Having your own Page is the foundation for using paid promotions on the platform. If you are new at all and have not built a Page before, don’t worry, you’ll get a step-by-step tutorial in a bit.
If you already own a Page or more, please skip the next part and scroll down to page six.
For those who need the tutorial, here it is.
Starting A Facebook Page
Create A Page
Open your personal account. Look for the drop-down arrow on the upper-right side of the page. Select ‘Create Page’ from the menu.
Choose a Page category. Business or brand, Community or public figure. Hit ‘Get Started’.
Next, type your Page name. Then type two words that best describe your business to start. Facebook will then provide you with suggested categories as shown below. Once you’re set, click Continue.
Upload your profile picture
At this point you can upload a profile picture. You can also click on Skip and do it later however these are integral to your branding so we would suggest adding them at this stage. If you don’t have a logo yet, you may for now, search for stock images that reflect your mission, vision, or values.
In 2018, the ideal Facebook profile photo size is 360 x 360 pixels. But Facebook profile photos must be at least a minimum size of 180 x 180 pixels. Remember that this will show in a circular window in some cases so check how it looks before finalising it.
Upload your cover photo.
Upload a cover photo. You have the option to skip this, too. The optimal size for a Facebook cover photo is 828 x 465 pixels.
At this stage, you have successfully created a page.
Fill Out the Page
One good way to start is to follow the Page tips that Facebook have created for you, e.g. Create a username for your Page and Add a short description.
Choose a call-to-action button. On your Page’s home, click on + Add a Button.
This will give you several options:
• Make a booking with you
• Contact you
• Learn more about your business
• Shop with you or make a donation
• Download your app or play your game
Decide which one is your top priority right now and add it.
Adding content
Every time you post on social media, you need to make sure that each post has a specific purpose. You need to make sure that there is a desired outcome with each and every post. You should always have some idea what each post intends to accomplish.
Posting with purpose requires that you have an overall goal for your social media. How do you know if you have an overall goal of your social media? When you sit down at your computer, or grab your smart phone, do you know what the first thing you need to do is? If you don’t have a goal for your social media, your content will have very little fluency or purpose.
You can write a post that’s purely text or including a visual,, an infographic, a photo, or a video. It’s like how you would on your personal timeline but remember that this is your business page so it will generally revolve around one of your business purposes.
Is it to add value, create awareness, comparison or to create a call to action?
Lastly, it will be too long to discuss each one. They also make a different topic altogether. But explore the headings on your Page, especially Insights, Publishing Tools, and of course, Ad Tools. All of which we will cover in future articles.
Setting Up An Account on Business Manager
Now, it’s time to get acquainted with Business Manager.
What is that?
Is it for free?
Why does it sound so serious?
Facebook Business Manager is your gateway to creating and managing ads. Go ahead and explore its landing page. You can see this by logging out of your Facebook account first. Then follow this LINK
According to this page, Business Manager is a more secure way to manage Pages and ad accounts. It offers peace of mind to those sharing access to multiple pages or ad accounts with other people. For instance, you hired a social media associate to handle your engagement and promotions. You can set what they can view and work on using Business Manager.
Here is a checklist from Facebook to help you see who can benefit from this tool the most:
Those who need more than one ad account – they create separate ad accounts for every client or business they serve, pay with different payment methods, and organise by objective for reporting.
Those who need to request access to Pages and ad accounts – they can request access to their clients’ Pages and ad accounts to become an analyst or advertiser.
Those who need to assign permissions to a lot of people working together – they can allow specific, role-based access to ad accounts,
Pages, and other assets that their business manages, as well as easily see who\’s working on what.
Those who need business-level insights and reporting – they need to see the performance of their ads across different ad accounts and get reports of the assets and people their business is responsible for.
In other words, you can manage your people, ads, and performance better because you can find information about them in one place.
It’s all about getting organized. And this is how you should approach Facebook advertising. Are you ready?
Business Manager is a free tool by the way. And it is easy to set up. Now, are you really ready?
Create An Account
Click on the Create Account button on the upper-right corner.
Enter your information: business and account name, your name, and business email address. Click Next.
Add details about your business, such as address and phone number. Make sure everything is correct before you click Submit.
Next, you will be asked to confirm your email address. Do that right away or later. Close the pop-up window and wait to be redirected to your account page. Add the Facebook Page you own. If there’s a connected Instagram account to it, you can add it too.
Note: If you are not the Page owner but acting as an admin, you can ask the owner to transfer ownership to you.
However, you can proceed with the setup. Click Add Ad Account and then, under ‘Create a new ad account’, click Create Ad Account. Again, fill out the fields with the correct details. Confirm ad account creation. You can skip adding people for now, so click Skip when the next window appears. Finally, you’re all set up!
It’s that quick and easy! More so, setting up Business Manager is an important step because this is where you can launch your first campaign. In the coming lesssons, you will learn exactly how do that. For now, congratulate yourself for you are on the way to becoming a full-fledged Facebook advertiser.