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Joe Bennett \’The Hypertrophy Coach\’ – All things training

Interview with ACA Contributor Joe Bennett


Joe Bennett is one of the most sought after coaches in the fitness industry. More than a trainer, he labels himself first and foremost, with his coined term “Hypertrophy Coach”. Much as the first “Strength Coaches” bucked the label of “personal trainer”, as it did not accurately depict their profession, Joe is the first to do the same within his specialized field. Clarifying, he specializes in growing lagging body parts, improving symmetry, and creating proportionate, balanced physiques by adding pounds of muscle. Any decent physique coach can get clients and athletes lean, and occasionally add muscle. But the true art/science balance comes only with the ability to truly change someone’s structure and physique. Taking them from where they are now and getting them big, shredded and balanced faster than anyone else.

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